Mark's notes on software development

Hey there! I'm on the hunt for a team where tech and engineering aren't just buzzwords but a real deal. I'm eager to join a group where we can geek out over IT stuff, turn every project into something awesome, and actively contribute to open source. Here's what matters to me:

  1. Cool Ideas and Technical Skills: I'm hoping to find a place where fresh ideas and top-notch tech skills are valued. It's important to me that each project is not just another task, but something that makes the IT world say "wow."

  2. Growth and Learning: I want a workplace that's all about learning and growing. Diving into new technologies, swapping experiences with colleagues, and contributing to open source – that's what will help me level up as a pro.

  3. Flexibility and Asynchrony: I'm all for a flexible approach to work and communication. I'm looking for a company that gets that you can balance work and personal life, and it doesn't matter where I am when I'm tackling tasks.

In this kind of environment, I can really unleash my potential as an IT pro, contribute to advancing technology and open-source projects.