Mark's notes on software development

My CV!

Senior Software Engineer

What I expect from a new project

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Brief Resume

I am an experienced software engineer specializing in the development of reliable and scalable microservices and solutions for asynchronous data processing. With extensive experience in Go, Node.js, and TypeScript, I professionally approach the refactoring and enhancement of existing systems, focusing on clean and maintainable architecture. My experience includes improving the technical aspects of projects, ensuring their efficiency and scalability readiness.

My ability to transform technical challenges into straightforward and effective solutions, along with my skill in mentoring and knowledge transfer within a team, makes me a valuable asset for any organization seeking technical excellence and innovation.

My Value to Business:

My Duties

Projects and achievements

📜Large Data Importer

Mentored a developer on a CLI tool project for importing large partner data, streamlining complex OOP designs into efficient, scalable solutions. Conducted a comprehensive business requirement analysis and implemented asynchronous iterators to process vast data arrays within memory limits. Contributed to open source by developing and publishing a custom library for asynchronous iterator handling (, enhancing project efficiency and code maintainability.

📩Email Lead Intake Service

Took over a challenging legacy JS microservice handling email communications from leads, initially characterized by disorganized and unmaintainable code. Methodically untangled and refactored the codebase without altering functionality, establishing a foundation for robust testing. Implemented comprehensive test coverage to prevent regression issues. Subsequently performed an extensive refactoring, transitioning the code to TypeScript, structuring with entities, interfaces, and dependency injection, leading to a highly maintainable and scalable architecture. This transformation enabled the seamless integration of new features and functionalities.

⚡️AsyncAd Publisher

Developed an advanced asynchronous advertisement publishing service for a partner listing board, utilizing Go and Serverless architecture on AWS. Implemented a complex publication algorithm involving initial publication requests followed by extended polling to track advertisement status. Overcame challenges of long-running operations in AWS Lambda by innovatively using AWS Step Functions to orchestrate numerous lambdas for discrete operations. Applied dependency injection to architect the software, facilitating easy testing for complex scenarios.

🔗Cross-Lang Message Validator

Developed a versatile library for validation, typing, and parsing of SNS and SQS messages, bridging TypeScript and PHP. Designed an innovative approach where a TypeScript message interface is used to generate both TypeScript validation code and a corresponding JSON schema. This schema, in turn, is utilized to generate a PHP class for equivalent validation, enabling type-safe publishing and subscription to SNS or SQS messages in both TypeScript and PHP

✨ Vector Search for Real Estate Similarity

Developed and integrated a vector-based search system for a real estate CRM to enhance traditional search methods. Used Qdrant for vector storage, Tensorflow, and Keras for training embedding models, and deployed the model using Node and tfjs-node on AWS Lambda. Conducted extensive research on various embedding techniques, ultimately creating a custom model based on property features and user interaction data. Served as the lead researcher and developer, collaborating with backend and frontend engineers to deliver a robust solution.


🍻 {Your Company}

Coming soon Designing and implementing APIs, managing the full lifecycle of (micro)services, providing mentorship, and solving complex, unconventional problems.

👽 SweepBright

2020–now Go, TypeScript, AWS Lambda, Step Functions, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, GraphQL, React, Qdrant, OpenAI, Keras, Tensorflow

👨‍🦳 Bizzabo

2016–2020 Express, React, Redis, Docker

👨 Plarium

2013–2015 Angular

👨 TOA Technologies

2011–2013 PHP, JavaScript, PostgreSQL

👶 Meta.UA

2010–2011 Perl, JavaScript

👶 Various IT/Development Positions

2006–2010 Databases, C++, PHP, ERP, enterprise infrastructure

Contact Information:

Languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian